Magic Items in DnD 5e (By Rarity) – A Complete Searchable List

Last Updated on January 22, 2023

The article that follows is the most comprehensive list of 5e Magic Items, organized by rarity.

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Common Magic Items


A magic weapon that attaches to the arm of a warforged.

Armor of Gleaming

Armor that never gets dirty.

Band of Loyalty

You instantly die if reduced to 0 HP while wearing this ring.

Bead of Nourishment

A spongy, gelatinous bead that dissolves on the tongue and provides as much nourishment as one day’s rations.

Bead of Refreshment

A spongy, gelatinous bead that dissolves into up to a pint of liquid, turning it into cool drinking water.

Boots of False Tracks

Boots that can leave tracks of another humanoid of your size.

Bottle of Boundless Coffee

A metal thermos that produces an unlimited amount of perfectly warmed coffee.

Breathing Bubble

A wearable bubble that contains one hour of breathable air and regains expended air daily at dawn.

Candle of the Deep

A magical candle that cannot be extinguished by water.

Cartographer’s Map Case

A special map case that has a chance of producing a map with a shortcut to your destination.

Cast-Off Armor

Armor made to be taken off extremely fast; you can doff this with an action.

Charlatan’s Die

A six-sided die that you can decide the outcome of before you roll. 

Chest of Preserving

A chest that prevents food and other perishable items stored in it from decaying or aging.

Cleansing Stone

A sphere that can be touched to remove all dirt and grime from your person and clothing.

Cloak of Billowing

A cloak that can billow dramatically at your command.

Cloak of Many Fashions

A cloak that can change colors, styles, and other aspects of its appearance.

Clockwork Amulet

An amulet that can be used to get a 10 on the die roll for an attack instead of rolling a d20.

Clothes of Mending

Traveler’s clothes that automatically mend themselves of daily wear and tear. 

Coin of Delving

A coin enchanted for use in dungeon delving. It emits dim light and can be used to determine distances when dropped more than 5 feet.

Cuddly Strixhaven Mascot

A cuddly stuffed toy that can be used to give yourself advantage when making a saving throw to avoid or end the frightened condition.

Dark Shard Amulet

A warlock spellcasting focus that allows them to cast more spells then they could normally.

Dread Helm

Your eyes glow red while wearing this helm.

Ear Horn of Hearing

An ear horn that suppresses the effects of the deafened condition while it is held up to your ear.

Earring of Message

A magical earring with charges that can be used to cast the Message spell.

Enduring Spellbook

A spellbook that can’t be damaged by fire or immersion in water. It also is immune to the effects of age.

Ersatz Eye

A prosthetic eye that can replace a lost or removed eye. 

Everbright Lantern

A lantern that produces no heat but sheds 120 feet of light (60 feet of bright light followed by 60 feet of dim light).

Feather Token (Feather Fall)

A token that allows you to fall 60 feet per round and not take fall damage. The token’s magic is expended after a single use.

Hat of Vermin

A hat that allows you to summon a bat, a frog, or a rat.

Hat of Wizardry

A cone-shaped hat adorned with gold crescent moons and stars that can be used as a spellcasting focus for a wizard. Allows you to cast a cantrip you don’t know once a day.

Heward’s Handy Spice Pouch

A magical pouch that you can pull a pinch of any seasoning from.

Horn of Silent Alarm

A horn that can only be heard by a single target.

Illuminator’s Tattoo

A magical tattoo that allows you to write from your fingertip as if it were a pen that never runs out of ink. You can also create writing that is invisible to everyone other than you and one named creature.

Imbued Wood Focus

Wands, rods, and staves cut from trees infused with extraplanar energy. Deals extra damage when casting spells of the wood’s specified damage type.

Instrument of Illusions

An instrument that allows you to create illusory visual effects while playing it.

Instrument of Scribing

When you use this instrument to write a message, it will magically disappear after 24 hours.


Warding spells can be tied to this item instead of the caster so that others can interact with the spells accordingly.

Lantern of Tracking

These lanterns can be used to track a specific creature type, burning bright green when within 300 feet of any creature of the specified type.

Lock of Trickery

A lock that magically adjusts to thwart burglars. Dexterity checks to pick it are made with disadvantage.

Masque Charm

This small silver pin can be used to cast Disguise Self.

Masquerade Tattoo

A morphing tattoo that can shift around your body and even be used to cast Disguise Self.

Medal of Muscle

A single-use magical item that can be squeezed to give the user advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws for one hour.

Medal of the Conch

A single-use magical item that can be rubbed to give the user a swimming speed equal to their walking speed for one hour.

Medal of the Horizonback

A single-use magical item that can be used as a reaction to increase the user’s AC by 5 for a single round of combat.

Medal of the Maze

A single-use magical item that can give the user advantage on Wisdom checks for an hour. Additionally, it can provide the quickest path to the end of a nonmagical path or maze.

Medal of the Meat Pie

A single use magical item that gives the user 2d4+1 temporary hit points.

Medal of the Wetlands

A single-use magical item that bypasses the effects of difficult terrain for its user for one hour.

Medal of Wit

A single-use magical item that gives the user advantage on Intelligence checks and Intelligence saving throws for the next hour.

Moodmark Paint

This paint changes itself on your face to convey exactly which emotions you’re feeling and why you’re feeling them.

Moon-Touched Sword

This sword sheds bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light in a 15-foot radius beyond that.

Mystery Key

This key has a small chance of unlocking any lock, but it can only do so once.

Orb of Direction

An orb that allows the user to know which direction north is so long as they are on the material plane.

Orb of Gonging

An orb with several notches that can be rotated on its body. When the notches are aligned, this orb gongs loudly until its notches are unaligned.

Orb of Shielding

Orbs made of various planar materials that each have an association with a specific damage type. When taking damage of that type, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by 1d4.

Orb of Time

An orb that can be used on the material plane to determine whether it’s morning, afternoon, evening, or night.

Perfume of Bewitching

A single-use magical spray that gives the user advantage on Charisma checks against all humanoids CR 1 or lower for one hour.

Pipe of Remembrance

The smoke from this pipe lingers around its bearer and forms shapes to reenact their most heroic and impressive achievements.

Pipe of Smoke Monsters

The smoke from this pipe can be used to form any creature of your choice before losing shape after a few seconds.

Pole of Angling

This 10-foot pole comes with a command word that can turn it into a fishing pole complete with hook, line, and reel.

Pole of Collapsing

This 10-foot pole can be reduced to just a foot long with the use of its command word.

Pot of Awakening

You can plant a regular shrub in this pot to create an awakened shrub that is friendly toward you.

Potion of Climbing

A potion that gives you a climbing speed equal to your walking speed along with advantage on climbing checks.

Potion of Comprehension

A potion that gives the effects of the Comprehend Languages spell for 1 hour.

Potion of Healing

A common healing potion that heals for 2d4+2 HP.

Potion of Watchful Rest

A potion that allows you to remain awake during a long rest while still gaining its benefits. It also protects you from magical sleep.

Pressure Capsule

A small pill that, when swallowed, allows you to ignore the effects of swimming at depths greater than 100 feet.

Prosthetic Limb

A magical prosthetic limb that can’t be removed against your will.

Rope of Mending

A 50-foot rope that can always be reassembled if its parts are put back together.

Ruby of the War Mage

A ruby that, when attached to a weapon, allows the weapon to be used as your spellcasting focus.

Scribe’s Pen

This pen writes in magical ink that is always visible to those with the Mark of Scribing. Otherwise, the writer chooses whether it is visible or not to everyone else.

Sekolahian Worshiping Statuette

The small statue of a shark comes to life and attacks any Tiny sea-dwelling creature that comes within 1-inch of it, dealing 1 piercing damage.

Shield of Expression

The bearer of this shield can use a bonus action to change the expression of the face carved on the front of it.


A suit of clothing that can shift its appearance into one of five options.

Smoldering Armor

Wisps of harmless, odorless smoke come off of this armor while it is worn.


This is a polished piece of dragonshard that holds information, almost like a magical book. You can access it and store information in it by opening your mind to the shard.

Spyglass of Clairvoyance

Allows you to map the natural terrain around a point you can see that is no more than a mile away from you.

Staff of Adornment 

Three objects that weigh no more than 1 pound each can float above the tip of this staff until it is no longer in your possession.

Staff of Birdcalls

A staff that can be used to create a wide variety of bird calls.

Staff of Flowers

A staff that can be used to create nonmagical flowers.

Strixhaven Pennant

A pennant of one of the five colleges of Strixhaven that sheds light when it is waved.

Talking Doll

This doll says a series of sayings that you teach it whenever certain stimuli are met.

Tankard of Plenty

A dwarven tankard that refills with 3 pints of rich dwarven ale when its command word is spoken.

Tankard of Sobriety

Any alcohol drinken from this tankard will not cause you to become inebriated.

Thermal Cube

This small cube of brimstone keeps the surrounding 15 feet at a constant 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

Unbreakable Arrow

This arrow can’t be broken except when in an Antimagic Field

Veteran’s Cane

This cane becomes a longsword when its command word is spoken, but this act can only be performed once.

Voting Kit

You can hide a tool kit inside this that can only be found on a DC20 investigation check. You can also use this kit to cast Charm Person once a day.

Vox Seeker

A tiny clockwork crab that must be wound up in order to operate.

Walloping Ammunition

This ammunition has a chance of knocking its target prone.

Wand of Conducting

This wand can create orchestral music when waved around as if directing an orchestra.

Wand of Pyrotechnics

This wand can shoot off small fireworks.

Wand of Scowls

You can use this wand to force a humanoid to scowl for a minute if they fail a DC10 Charisma save. 

Wand of Smiles

You can use this wand to force a humanoid to smile for a minute if they fail a DC10 Charisma save. 

Wand Sheath

An attachment for warforged that allows them to store a wand on their arm and utilize it without holding it in their hand.

Uncommon Magic Items

Adamantine Armor

Armor reinforced with adamantine turns any critical hit into a normal hit.

Alchemy Jug

This jug always seems to have liquid sloshing around in it. In fact, it can produce a wide variety of liquids from fresh water to mayonnaise.

Ammunition +1

A piece of magical ammunition that provides a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location

An amulet that hides you from detection magic.

Amulet of the Drunkard

This amulet allows the wearer to regain 4d4+4 hit points when consuming a pint of alcohol.

Bag of Bounty

This bag provides nourishment for up to 10 humanoids.

Bag of Holding

This bag can hold much more than its outside appearance would let on. 

Bag of Tricks

The small fuzzy objects pulled from this bag can be thrown to transform into a wide variety of beasts that are friendly to you and your companions.

Balance of Harmony

This scale can be used to cast Detect Good and Evil as a ritual.

Balloon Pack

The trapped air elemental inside of this backpack fills a balloon, allowing the wearer to benefit from the effects of either Levitate or Feather Fall.

Blood of the Lycanthrope Antidote

A potion that can remove the curse of lycanthropy.

Blood Spear

When you reduce a target to 0 HP with this spear, you gain 2d6 temporary hit points.

Boomerang +1

This boomerang provides a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Boots of Elvenkind

These boots make your steps silent and give you advantage on stealth checks that rely on sound.

Boots of Striding and Springing

These boots increase your walking speed to 30 feet and prevent your speed from being lowered if you are encumbered or wearing heavy armor. They also allow you to jump three times your normal jumping distance.

Boots of the Winterlands

These boots allow you to tolerate cold weather and conditions with ease. They even give you resistance to cold damage and allow you to ignore difficult terrain caused by ice or snow.

Bottled Breath

This bottle holds a breath of elemental air, which you can use to hold your breath for an hour or to cast the Gust of Wind spell.

Bracers of Archery

These bracers provide a +2 bonus to ranged attacks made with longbows and shortbows as well as proficiency in both weapons.

Brooch of Living Essence

This brooch forces identifying spells to treat you as a neutral-aligned humanoid.

Brooch of Shielding

This brooch provides resistance to force damage and immunity to the Magic Missile spell.

Broom of Flying

You can fly on this magical broom.

Cap of Water Breathing

If you speak this cap’s command word while wearing it underwater, it creates a bubble of air around your head, allowing you to breathe.

Circlet of Blasting

This circlet can be used to cast an extra accurate Scorching Ray once a day.

Circlet of Human Perfection

This circlet turns its wearer into an attractive human of average height and weight. It can only be attuned to a human.

Cloak of Elvenkind (Piwafwi)

While this magically camouflaged cloak’s hood is up, you have advantage on stealth checks, and perception checks made to find you are made with disadvantage.

Cloak of Protection

This cloak provides its wearer a +1 to AC and to saving throws.

Cloak of the Manta Ray

While this cloak’s hood is up, you have a swimming speed of 60 feet and can breathe underwater.

Coiling Grasp Tattoo

This tattoo of intertwining patterns can produce inky tendrils that reach out from you and grapple your foes.

Cracked Driftgolbe

This small glass sphere’s command word will cause it to emanate light as if it were the source of the Light spell.

Crown of the Forest

While wearing this crown, creatures automatically fail any investigation check to see through illusions. 

Cursed Luckstone

This cursed stone gives you advantage on one ability check of your choice each day. However, your next two checks are made with disadvantage. You cannot get rid of this stone without removing the curse.

Decanter of Endless Water

This decanter can produce an endless amount of water. As an action, simply say one of its three command words, and the corresponding quantity of water will pour out of it.

Deck of Illusions

When a card is pulled randomly from this 34-card deck, it can be used to create an illusion of a creature specified by the card.


This small glass sphere can produce either the Light or Daylight spells. It can also float 5 feet off the ground and follow you around.

Dust of Corrosion

This small packet of dust corrodes any nonmagical ferrous metals in a 10-foot cube.

Dust of Deliciousness

This powder makes food taste excellent, but it comes at a cost. Those who eat it have disadvantage on Wisdom checks and saving throws for 1 hour.

Dust of Disappearance

There is enough dust in one packet to turn you and every creature and object within 10 feet of you invisible for 2d4 minutes.

Dust of Dryness

A pinch of this dust turns a 15-foot cube of water into a marble-sized pellet that can later be cracked to release the stored water.

Dust of Sneezing and Choking

While this dust appears to be Dust of Disappearance, it actually causes you and everyone in a 10-foot radius to make a Constitution saving throw or sneeze uncontrollably.


This symbiotic life form buries behind your ears and into your brain and allows you to cast Detect Thoughts and Dissonant Whispers.

Efficient Quiver

This bow has three extradimensional spaces within it, and as such, it can hold many arrows, bows, and even weapons like spears or long swords.

Elder Cartographer’s Glossography

This small tome grants advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks related to geographical features or locations.

Eldritch Claw Tattoo

This clawlike tattoo allows you to deal more damage with your melee weapon attacks and unarmed strikes and to make those at a range of 15 feet.

Elemental Gem

These gems hold one of the four core elementals and can summon them when broken.

Emerald Pen

An emerald pen requires no ink to write. It also allows you to cast Illusory Script at will without requiring material components.

Eversmoking Bottle

This bottle can produce endless smoke that heavily obscures an area with a maximum radius of 120 feet.

Eyes of Charming

These glasses allow you to cast Charm Person three times a day.

Eyes of Minute Seeing

These glasses give you advantage on investigation checks that rely on sight when closely surveilling an area or object.

Eyes of the Eagle

These glasses give you extraordinary vision at far distances and give you advantage on perception checks that rely on sight.

Feywild Shard

This crystal shard of the feywild can be used as a spellcasting focus for sorcerers, even allowing them to harness wild magic when they use their metamagic abilities.

Finder’s Goggles

These goggles, which can only be worn by a creature with the mark of finding, allow you to add a d4 to insight checks and give you the ability to determine the last creature who touched any object.

Gauntlets of Ogre Power

These gauntlets give you a strength score of 19, unless your score is already 19 or higher.

Gem of Brightness

This gem creates bright light that can be focused into a blinding beam if you expend charges.

Gloves of Missile Snaring

These gloves allow you to reduce the damage of an ranged attack that would hit you, even to the point of catching the missile.

Gloves of Swimming and Climbing

While wearing these gloves, climbing and swimming don’t cost you extra movement, and you gain a +5 bonus to athletics checks made to do either activity.

Gloves of Thievery

These gloves, which are invisible while worn, give you a +5 to sleight of hand checks and a +5 to dexterity checks used to pick locks.

Goggles of Night

These goggles give you 60 feet of darkvision.

Goggles of Object Reading

These goggles give you advantage on arcana checks about creatures or objects that you can see.

Guardian Emblem

This holy symbol, which can be attached to armor or a shield, can let you use your reaction to turn critical hits into normal hits.

Guild Signet

These signets allow you to cast a spell associated with the respective guild of Ravnica.

Harkon’s Bite

This cursed necklace gives you a +1 to all ability checks and saving throws, but it also afflicts you with lycanthropy.

Hat of Disguise

This hat allows you to cast Disguise Self at will.

Headband of Intellect

These gauntlets give you an intelligence score of 19, unless your score is already 19 or higher.

Hellfire Weapon

When this weapon kills a humanoid, their soul is sent to the River Styx to be reborn as a lemure devil.

Helm of Comprehending Languages

You can cast Comprehend Languages at will while wearing this helm.

Helm of Telepathy

You can use this helm to cast Detect Thoughts and Suggestion and even send telepathic thoughts to the mind of another creature.

Helm of Underwater Action

This helm gives you 60-feet darkvision, a swimming speed of 30 feet, and the ability to breathe underwater.


This +1 battleaxe deals maximum damage when hitting a plant creature or an object made of wood.

Immovable Rod

This rod has the ability to become completely immovable, even when defying gravity.

Infernal Puzzle Box

The puzzle boxes, made of infernal iron, cannot be opened by magical means or damaged in any way. They can only be opened by solving the mundane puzzle unique to the box.

Inquisitive’s Goggles

These goggles allow someone with the mark of finding to trace the auras of living creatures.

Insignia of Claws

This insignia gives you a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with unarmed strikes and natural weapons.

Javelin of Lightning

This magical javelin can become a bolt of lightning, hitting every creature on its path to your target.

Keogthom’s Ointment

This ointment restores health, cures poison, and ends diseases. 

Lantern of Revealing

Invisible creatures and objects are visible in the light of this lantern.


This +1 mace was owned by a follower of Lathander and deals extra damage to undead.

Living Gloves

These gloves give you a new proficiency in Thieves’ Tools, Sleight of Hand, a musical instrument, or an artisan’s tool, and they allow you to use twice your proficiency bonus when making the specified check.

Lorehold Primer

A magic textbook that allows you to make improved religion and history checks. In addition, it allows you to cast any one cleric or wizard spell without a spell slot each day.

Mariner’s Armor

This armor gives you a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and allows you to float to the surface if you start your turn underwater with 0 hit points.

Mask of the Beast

You can use this mask to cast Animal Friendship. 

Medallion of Thoughts

You can use this medallion to cast Detect Thoughts.

Mind Carapace Armor

This armor, which can only be attuned by a mind flayer or one of its thralls, gives the wearer advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws as well as immunity to the frightened condition.

Mithral Armor

Armor made of mithral does not impose disadvantage on stealth checks.

Mizzium Apparatus

A powerful harness that allows you to use your spell slots to cast spells that you do not know or have prepared.

Mummy Rot Antidote

This potion cures you of mummy rot.

Nature’s Mantle

This cloak, which can be used as a spellcasting focus for rangers or druids, can be used to Hide in even lightly obscured conditions.

Necklace of Adaptation

This magic necklace lets you breathe normally in any environment. Additionally, it gives you advantage on saving throws against harmful gases and vapors.

Night Caller

This small whistle allows you to Animate Dead.

Oil of Slipperiness

Covering a creature in this oil puts them under the effects of the Freedom of Movement spell for 8 hours, while pouring it on the ground has the same effect as the Grease spell for 8 hours.

Orc Stone

A stone that allows you to summon the spirit of an orc war chief to fight for you three times.

Paper Bird

This magical paper bird will fly to its target so long as it is on the same plane. Messages are typically written on these.

Pearl of Power

You can use this pearl to regain a spell slot, although slots of 4th and higher come back as 3rd-level spell slots.

Periapt of Health

This pendant gives you immunity from contracting any diseases.

Periapt of Wound Closure

This pendant stabilizes you whenever you’re dying at the start of your turn. It also lets you double the hit points you regain whenever you roll hit dice.

Philter of Love

After drinking this philter, you’re charmed by the next creature you see for an hour, potentially even viewing them as your true love.

Pipes of Haunting

These pipes release such an eerie tune that when you play them, creatures around you are frightened.

Pipes of the Sewers

These pipes allow you to control a swarm of rats.

Pixie Dust

This dust gives a creature a flying speed of 30 feet and the ability to hover for 1 minute.

Potion of Advantage

This potion gives you advantage on one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw that you make within the next hour.

Potion of Animal Friendship

This potion lets you cast Animal Friendship at will for the next hour.

Potion of Fire Breath

This potion lets you breathe fire (one target 30 ft range, DC 13 Dex save, 4d6 fire damage, half damage on a successful save) three times over the course of the next hour.

Potion of Healing
© Wizards of the Coast

Potion of Greater Healing

This healing potion lets you regain 4d4+4 hit points.

Potion of Growth

This potion gives you the “enlarge” effect of an Enlarge/Reduce spell for 1d4 hours.

Potion of Poison

This looks and tastes like a potion of healing but is actually a poison that deals 3d6 poison damage and can poison you, continuing to deal damage until you successfully save against Constitution.

Potion of Resistance

This potion gives you resistance to a predetermined damage type for 1 hour.

Potion of Water Breathing

This potion lets you breathe underwater for an hour.

Prismari Primer

A magic textbook that allows you to make improved acrobatics and performance checks. In addition, it allows you to cast any one bard or sorcerer spell without a spell slot each day.

Propeller Helm

This helm allows you to cast the Levitate spell on yourself.

Psi Crystal

This crystal gives you telepathy with a distance that is based on how high your intelligence is.


This is an experimental flamethrower that has a chance of dealing damage to you as well as your opponents.

Quandrix Primer

A magic textbook that allows you to make improved arcana and nature checks. In addition, it allows you to cast any one druid or wizard spell without a spell slot each day.

Quiver of Ehlonna

This is another name for an Efficient Quiver.

Restorative Ointment

This is another name for Keoghtom’s Ointment.

Ring of Jumping

This ring allows you to cast Jump on yourself as a bonus action at will.

Ring of Mind-Shielding

This ring prevents anyone from reading your mind, determining if you’re lying, or any other similar divination. While wearing it, you determine who can communicate telepathically with you.

Ring of Obscuring

This ring allows you to cast Fog Cloud centered on yourself.

Ring of Swimming

This ring gives you a swimming speed of 40 feet.

Ring of Truth Telling

This ring gives you advantage on insight checks to determine if someone is lying to you.

Ring of Warmth

This ring gives you resistance to cold damage and protection from weather as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ring of Water Walking

This ring lets you stand on and walk across any liquid surface as if it were solid ground.

Rings of Shared Suffering

This pair of rings binds their wearers together. So long as both rings are worn, damage is split between the two wearers evenly, however, so are any effects that would heal a wearer.

Robe of Serpents

This rope is covered in stylized serpents that you can use to summon actual giant poison snakes to fight for you.

Robe of Useful Items

This robe is covered in patches, each with a depiction of a useful item. When you pull a patch, it becomes an ordinary version of that object.

Rod of Retribution

This rod allows you to deal lightning damage as a reaction to taking damage from a creature within 60 feet of you.

Rope of Climbing

This rope is excellent for climbing as you can command it to move as you deem necessary. You can even command it to knot itself, providing advantage to climbing checks made with it.

Saddle of the Cavalier

This saddle prevents you from being thrown out of it as long as you’re conscious. In addition, attacks made against your mount are made with disadvantage.

Seeker Dart

This one-time-use dart can find any target you’re familiar with so long as it’s within 120 feet of you. It deals 1d4 piercing damage and 3d4 lightning damage on a hit.

Sending Stones

The Message spell can be sent from one sending stone to its pair and vice versa once a day.

Sentinel Shield

This shield gives you advantage on initiative rolls and perception checks.

Serpent Scale Armor

This scale mail armor lets you apply your full dexterity modifier to your AC and does not impose disadvantage on stealth checks.


This +1 magical longsword automatically crits when it hits an object. It can’t be damaged by nonmagical sources.

Shield +1

This shield gives an additional +1 bonus to AC on top of the normal +2 bonus a shield would offer.

Silverquill Primer

A magic textbook that allows you to make improved intimidation and persuasion checks. In addition, it allows you to cast any one bard or cleric spell without a spell slot each day.

Skyblinder Staff

This +1 magic quarterstaff also provides a +1 to spell attack rolls. Additionally, you can use it to blind flying creatures as a reaction when they make an attack against you.

Slippers of Spider Climbing

These shoes allow you to walk on vertical and upside-down surfaces.


Smokepowder is an explosive used to launch projectiles from firearms.

Soul Coin

These coins carry souls within them and can be used for a variety of purposes.

Spies’ Murmur

These are small earpieces that allow you to communicate telepathically with others who are wearing a spies’ murmur.

Staff of the Adder

You can turn the head of this staff into a poisonous snake, which you can use to make melee attacks.

Staff of the Python

Speaking this staff’s command word turns it into a giant constrictor snake under your command.

Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone)

This stone gives you a +1 to ability checks and saving throws.

Stone of Ill Luck

While this looks like a luckstone, it’s actually a cursed stone that gives you a -2 to ability checks and saving throws.

Storm Boomerang

This boomerang deals thunder damage to its target on top of the normal bludgeoning damage and even has a chance to stun.

Sword of Vengeance

This is a cursed +1 sword that forces you to attack any creature that deals damage to you until one of you has been dropped to 0 HP.

Thessaltoxin Antidote

This potion ends the Polymorph effects of a thessaltoxin.

Travel Alchemical Kit

This is a combination kit of alchemists’ supplies and poisoner’s kit.

Trident of Fish Command

You can use this to cast Dominate Beast on a beast that has an innate swimming speed.

Uncommon Glamerweave

You can use a bonus action to create an illusory effect both on this clothing and one that rises off of it, such as ruffling grass and floating butterflies.

Wand of Entangle

You can use this wand to cast Entangle.

Wand of Magic Detection

You can use this wand to cast Detect Magic.

Wand of Magic Missiles

You can use this wand to cast Magic Missile.

Wand of Secrets

You can use this wand to find secret or trap doors near you.

Wand of Web

You can use this wand to cast Web.

Weapon of Warning

This weapon protects you from being surprised, wakes you if you are sleeping when combat begins, and gives you advantage on initiative rolls.

Weapon, +1

Any weapon that gives you a +1 on attack and damage rolls.

Wheel of Wind and Water

This allows someone with a Mark of Storm to control the elemental inside of an airship.

Wind Fan

You can use this fan to cast Gust of Wind.

Winged Boots

These boots give you a flying speed equal to your walking speed but only 4 hours at a time.


This suit allows you to fly, but you lose altitude at the end of each turn.

Winter’s Dark Bite

This is a +1 greatsword that works as a +3 greatsword when fighting against a thesselhydra.

Witherbloom Primer

A magic textbook that allows you to make improved survival and nature checks. In addition, it allows you to cast any one druid or wizard spell without a spell slot each day.

Yklwa, +1

This Yklwa gives you a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Rare Magic Items

Acheron Blade

This +1 sword can give you temporary hit points and impose disadvantage on the next saving throw a target you hit with an attack would make.

Alchemical Compendium

This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. This book has an affinity for transmutation magic.

Ammunition, +2

A piece of magical ammunition that provides a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Amulet of Health

These gauntlets give you a constitution score of 19, unless your score is already 19 or higher.

Amulet of Protection from Turning

This amulet protects undead from effects that would turn them.

Armor of Resistance

This armor has resistance to a predetermined damage type.

Armor of Vulnerability

This cursed armor gives you resistance to one damage type while giving you vulnerability to two others from slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning.

Armor, +1

This armor gives you a +1 to AC.

Arrow-Catching Shield

This shield gives you an additional +2 AC bonus against ranged attacks.

Astral Shard

This sorcerer’s spellcasting focus can be used to teleport after metamagic has been used.

Astromancy Archive

This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. This book has an affinity for divination magic.

Atlas of Endless Horizons

This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. This book has an affinity for conjuration magic.

Badge of the Watch

These badges, given out by the Open Lord of Waterdeep, provide a +2 bonus to AC if you aren’t carrying a shield.

Bag of Beans

Planting these magical beans in the ground can produce a wide variety of interesting outcomes from chaotic treants to beanstalks that take you to other planes.

Banner of the Krig Rune

This war rune banner gives several benefits to the bearer, such as immunity to the frightened condition, the ability to see invisible creatures, and protection from ranged attacks.

Battering Shield

This +1 shield can push creatures back incredibly far and even knock them prone.

Bead of Force

These beads explode on impact, dealing force damage to creatures in a 10-foot radius and then enclosing them in a sphere of force.

Bell Branch

This silver implement covered in bells can be used as a spellcasting focus for druids or warlocks. It can be used to determine if aberrations, celestials, constructs, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead are nearby.

Belt of Dwarvenkind

This belt bestows several dwarven benefits upon the wearer, such as improved constitution, healthy beard growth, and poison resistance.

Berserker Axe

This +1 axe gives you a bonus to your hit point maximum equal to your level. However, it is also a cursed axe that gives you a chance of going berserk and attacking the closest creature to you everytime you take damage.

Blod Stone

This stone contains the blood of a creature and can be used to find any creature that shares blood with it, such as a blood relative.


This +2 mace produces a silver piece every time it is used to slay an undead.

Boomerang, +2

This boomerang provides a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Boots of Levitation

These boots allow you to cast Levitate on yourself at will.

Boots of Speed

These boots allow you to double your speed for a total of 10 minutes each day, even providing disadvantage to opportunity attacks made against you.

Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals

You can use this bowl to summon a water elemental as if you had cast Conjure Elementals.

Bracer of Flying Daggers

You can pull and throw an infinite amount of daggers from these bracers.

Bracers of Defense

These bracers provide a +2 to AC if you’re wearing no armor and not using a shield.

Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals

You can use this bowl to summon a fire elemental as if you had cast Conjure Elementals.

Bridle of Capturing

You can use this bridle to cast Dominate Beast.

Butcher’s Bib

This apron allows you to reroll damage on one weapon attack each turn. Additionally, your slashing weapons score critical hits on 19s and 20s.

Cape of the Mountebank

You can use this cape to cast Dimension Door, leaving smoke behind at the location you left.

Cauldron of Plenty

This cauldron can create hot stew for hundreds of people with just a few gallons of water.

Censer of Controlling Air Elementals

You can use this bowl to summon an air elemental as if you had cast Conjure Elementals.

Charm of Plant Command

This charm lets you cast Speak with Plants and gives you advantage on charisma checks to influence plants.

Chime of Opening

This chime can be used to magically unlock various types of locks, but it can only be used 10 times before breaking.

Chromatic Rose

This rose provides you resistance to a specified damage type and prevents you from taking more than 10 points of damage of that type a single time. You can also use this to deal a blast of its specified damage in a 20-foot cone.

Claw of the Wyrm Rune

This claw is extremely useful in fighting dragons. It provides resistance to breath weapons and can be used to impose all damage vulnerabilities on a dragon for a single round of combat.

Claws of the Umber Hulk

These gauntlets count as melee weapons that deal 1d8 of slashing. In addition, they give you a burrowing speed of 20 feet.

Cloak of Displacement

This cloak makes you appear to be not quite in the spot you’re in, imposing disadvantage on attacks made against you.

Cloak of the Bat

You can use this cape to fly while in darkness or dim light. You can even use this to polymorph into a bat.


In addition to knocking out a killer polka, the magical concertina can be used to freeze an area of mist or water up to 30 feet in diameter and 6 inches deep completely solid.

Corpse Slayer

This +1 weapon deals an extra 1d8 of damage to undead.

Crystal Blade

This blade deals extra radiant damage and can even be used to regain hit points equal to the radiant damage it deals.

Cube of Force

This small cube creates a large cube of force 15 feet to a side with varying effects depending on the amount of charges you expend.

Daern’s Instant Fortress

When you speak the command word, this small metal cube turns into a square fortress tower, 20 feet high and 30 feet to each side.

Dagger of Blindsight

This dagger gives you 30-feet blindsight.

Dagger of Venom

This +1 dagger can deal poison damage and poison your targets if you use an action to cause it to become magically coated in venom.

Devotee’s Censer

This flail counts as a holy symbol, deals extra radiant damage, and can even produce incense that allows you and your allies to regain hit points.

Dimensional Shackles

These shackles prevent a creature from any form of extradimensional travel.


A docent is a small sentient sphere designed to assist and advise the warforged that it is attached to. As such, it provides medical assistance and has one of several random properties.

Dodecahedron of Doom

This large 20-sided die causes a number of powerful arcane effects depending on the side that rolls face up.

Dragon Slayer

This +1 sword deals an extra 3d6 to dragons.

Dragon Wing Bow

This weapon is infused with the essence of a dragon, and its ammunition deals extra damage of the type associated with that dragon’s breath weapon. Additionally, when you attempt to load it with no ammo, it creates a piece of magical ammunition.


This +1 armor grants resistance to dragon’s breath weapons.

Dragontooth Dagger

This is a +1 dagger that deals an extra 1d6 acid damage. Against enemies of the Cult of the Dragon, this becomes a +2 dagger that deals an extra 2d6 acid damage.

Duplicitous Manuscript

This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. This book has an affinity for illusion magic.

Wizards Spellbook
© Wizards of the Coast

Eagle Whistle

This whistle gives you a flying speed that’s double your walking speed for as long as you blow it, which you can do for a number of rounds equal to 5 times your Constitution modifier.

Elemental Essence Shard

This shard can be used as a spellcasting focus for a sorcerer. It also has a specific property relating to its elemental essence of air, earth, fire, or water.

Elixir of Health

This potion cures any disease afflicting you and ends the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and poisoned conditions.

Elven Chain

You are automatically considered proficient with this +1 chain armor.

Failed Experiment Wand

This wand only has two charges and casts either a green Fireball or a blue Lightning Bolt at random.

Far Realm Shard

This shard can be used as a spellcasting focus for a sorcerer. It also creates a tentacle that lashes out and deals psychic damage to a target whenever you use your metamagic.

Feather of Diatryma Summoning

This feather can become a Diatryma (statistics for an Axe Beak) that is friendly to you and your companions and can even be used as a mount.

Feather Token

Several types of these tokens exist, such as anchor or whip, and each of them has a different single-use ability.

Flame Tongue

You can speak this sword’s command word to set it ablaze. While flaming, it deals an extra 2d6 fire damage and sheds light for 80 feet.

Flying Chariot

If this chariot is pulled by one or more flying creatures, it can fly as well.

Folding Boat

This small wooden box can be turned into a medium-sized boat or a large ship, depending on which command word you speak.

Fulminating Treatise

This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. This book has an affinity for evocation magic.

Galder’s Bubble Pipe

This pipe, which blows bubbles instead of smoke, can be used to cast Fog Cloud or Misty Step and can even summon a steam mephit.

Gambler’s Blade

This cursed blade is anywhere from a +1 to a +3 blade, but you subtract that much from your rolls whenever you make a death-saving throw.

Gauntlets of Flaming Fury

These gauntlets turn any weapon you hold into a magic weapon, and they can even cover your weapons in magical flames to deal an extra 1d6 fire damage.

Gavel of the Venn Rune

This gavel is useful in solving disputes in a friendly manner. It can cause the first person that makes an attack to take psychic damage equal to half the damage they dealt, and it makes attack rolls against you have disadvantage.

Gem of Seeing

You have 120 feet of truesight when peering through this gem.

Ghost Lantern

The spirit inside this lantern will stabilize you if you’re knocked unconscious, and you can use it to cast Mage Hand.

Giant Slayer

This +1 axe or sword deals an extra 2d6 to giants and has a chance of knocking them prone.

Glamoured Studded Leather

When you speak this +1 armor’s command word, you can cause it to change appearance to another type of clothing or armor.

Gulthias Staff

This staff is made from evil wood that causes blights and other evil plants to view you as non-hostile. You can use this magical quarterstaff to regain health equal to the damage you dealt.

Heart Weaver’s Primer

This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. This book has an affinity for enchantment magic.

Hell Hound Cloak

You can use this cloak to polymorph into a hell hound. However, it is a cursed cloak, and after a period of time there’s a chance of the transformation becoming permanent and losing your sense of self.

Helm of Teleportation

You can use this helm to cast the Teleport spell.

Helm of the Gods

You can use this god to pray to the gods of Theros. Each god will grant you a different spell that you can cast with it. This helm also allows you to know the location of any celestials or fiends within 30 feet of you.

Heward’s Handy Haversack

The haversack has three interdimensional spaces for storing a great amount of objects. When you reach for a specific item, it’s always on top.

Hook of Fisher’s Delight

This small fishing hook can conjure one of four magical fish each day.

Horn of Blasting

This horn produces an incredible blast that can deal 5d6 thunder damage and stun a creature.

Horn of the Endless Maze

Once a week, you can use this horn to summon 3d4+4 warrior spirits that look like minotaurs to fight alongside you.

Horseshoes of Speed

When all four of these horseshoes are affixed to a horse or similar creature, its speed is increased by 30 feet.

Iron Bands of Billaro

You can speak this sphere’s command word to have it become several iron bands that restrain a target creature.

Knave’s Eye Patch

This eyepatch gives you advantage on sight-based perception checks, immunity to the Sunlight Sensitivity trait, and immunity to magic that would allow other creatures to read your thoughts or determine if you’re lying.

Leather Golem Armor

This armor is a repurposed leather golem. It provides a myriad of benefits, such as lightning absorption and an immutable form, but is cursed and has a chance of driving you berserk.

Libram of Souls of Flesh

This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. This book has an affinity for necromancy magic.


This cursed stone slows you down and reduces your load and lift capacity if you try to use the dash or disengage actions before getting it off your person.

Lyre of Building

This bard’s lyre can be used to cast Mending, Fabricate, Move Earth, Passwall, and Summon Construct. It can also be used as a reaction to give a structure immunity to damage it would take.

Mace of Disruption

This mace deals an extra 2d6 radiant damage to fiends and undead. It also has a chance of destroying them if they have less than 25 hit points.

Mace of Smiting

This +1 mace becomes a +3 mace when used against constructs. On a critical hit, this mace automatically deals 7 extra bludgeoning damage or 14 damage against a construct.

Mace of Terror

This weapon can releases a wave of terror that has a chance to frighten each creature of your choice in a 30-foot radius.

Mantle of Spell Resistance

This mantle gives you advantage on all saving throws against spells.

Master’s Amulet

This amulet is used to control a Shield Guardian.

Mind Blade

In the hands of a mind flayer or one of its thralls, this is a magic weapon that deals an extra 2d6 psychic damage on a hit.

Mind Lash

In the hands of a mind flayer, this magic whip deals an extra 2d4 psychic damage on a hit and imposes disadvantage on Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma saving throws for a minute.

Mirror of the Past

You can use this mirror to see the history of a specific object or creature.

Mizzium Armor

While you’re wearing this armor, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit and you take no damage if you succeed on a Strength or Constitution saving throw forced by a magical effect.

Mizzium Mortar

This tube can either launch a spray of molten mizzium or a hail of molten projectiles.

Molten Bronze Skin

This armor contours to your skin, gives you resistance to fire damage, and does not impose disadvantage on stealth checks.

Necklace of Fireballs

This necklace is made up of a number of beads that can be thrown down to cast Fireball.

Necklace of Prayer Beads

This necklace is made up of a number of different beads, each of which can cast a different healing spell.

Needle of Mending

You can speak this needles command word to turn it into a +1 magical dagger and back again. You can also use this to cast the Mending spell.

Oil of Etherealness

A creature coated in this oil can travel in the ethereal plane.

Opal of the Ild Rune

This opal has a fire rune on it that you can use to manipulate fire in several ways. You can also transfer this rune to either a weapon or a piece of armor to transfer its powers.

Orb of the Stein Rune

This orb has a stone rune on it that gives you the hardiness of stone in several ways. You can also transfer this rune to boots or a piece of armor to transfer its powers.

Outer Essence Shard

This shard, which can be used as a spellcasting focus for a sorcerer, holds the essence of an outer plane. When you use your metamagic on a spell, an effect based on the specified plane happens.

Pariah’s Shield

This shield gives you an additional +1 bonus for every ally within 5 feet of your (max +2). You can also use this shield to take the damage that another creature within 5 feet of you would take. 

Periapt of Proof against Poison

This pendant gives you immunity to the poisoned condition and poison damage.


A +1 shortsword that allows you to regain the maximum amount of hit points every time you roll a hit die so long as you eat twice as much food in a day as you normally would.

Piwafwi of Fire Resistance

This is a cloak of elvenkind that also offers resistance to fire damage.

Planecaller’s Codex

This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. This book has an affinity for conjuration magic.

Portable Hole

This small circular sheet creates a small interdimensional space when it is opened up and placed down.

Potion of Aqueous Form

This potion transforms you into a pool of water for 10 minutes. While in this form, you have a swimming speed of 30 feet, can move through other creatures, have resistance to nonmagical damage, and have advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws.

Potion of Clairvoyance

Drinking this potion puts you under the effects of the Clairvoyance spell.

Potion of Diminution

This potion gives you the “reduce” effect of Enlarge/Reduce for 1d4 hours.

Potion of Gaseous Form

This potion puts you under the effects of Gaseous Form for 1 hour.

Potion of Superior Healing

This healing potion allows you to regain 8d4+8 HP.

Potion of Heroism

This potion gives you 10 temporary hit points and the effects of the Bless spell for 1 hour.

Potion of Invulnerability

This potion gives you resistance to all damage for 1 minute.

Potion of Maximum Power

You deal maximum damage the first time you cast a damage-dealing spell of 4th level or lower after drinking this potion.

Potion of Mind Reading

This potion gives you the effects of Detect Thoughts.

Professor Orb

A professor orb is a sentient orb of quartz with extensive knowledge of four narrow subjects.

Professor Skant

Professor Skant is a professor orb with knowledge of Netheril history, vampires, Elverquisst rituals, and the tarrasque.

Protective Verses

This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. This book has an affinity for abjuration magic.

Quaal’s Feather Token

A more specific name for a feather token.

Reveler’s Concertina

This concertina gives a +2 bonus to a bard’s spell-save DC. It can also be used to cast Otto’s Irresistible Dance once a day.

Ring of Animal Influence

This ring can be used to cast Animal Friendship, Fear, and Speak with Animals.

Ring of Evasion

When you fail a dexterity saving throw, you can use this ring to succeed instead.

Ring of Feather Falling

When you fall while wearing this ring, you descend 60 feet each turn and take no damage from falling.

Ring of Free Action

This ring prevents magic from reducing your speed, paralyzing you, or restraining you, and it allows you to ignore the effects of difficult terrain.

Ring of Protection

This ring gives you a +1 to AC and saving throws.

Ring of Resistance

This ring gives you resistance to a damage type.

Ring of Spell Storing

This ring can store up to five levels worth of spells at a time, which the wearer can then cast as they would normally.

Ring of Temporal Salvation

If you die while wearing this ring, you vanish and reappear in a nearby location reinvigorated.

Ring of the Ram

This ring produces a spectral ram’s head made of force that you can launch into creatures or objects.

Ring of X-Ray Vision

When you speak this rings command word you gain the ability to see through solid objects as if they were transparent.

Robe of Eyes

This robe is covered in eyes, allowing you to see in all directions. Additionally, this gives you 120-feet darkvision and allows you to see invisible objects and into the ethereal plane.

Robe of Summer

This robe gives you resistance to cold damage and makes you consistently comfortable, as if enjoying a nice summer day.

Rod of Rulership

You can use this rod to charm people, making them view you as their trusted leader.

Rod of the Vonindod

This rod can be used to cast Locate Objects, and its range is increased to 10 miles when used to detect adamantine objects.

Rope of Entanglement

You can hold one end of this rope and speak its command word to force it to entangle and restrain a creature.

Saint Markovia’s Thighbone

This functions as a Mace of Disruption. However, it crumbles if it scores one or more hits against a vampire in a single battle.

Scissors of Shadow Snipping

A fey or spellcaster can use these scissors to detach a humanoid from its shadow.

Scorpion Armor

Donning or doffing this armor causes you to take 100 poison damage, but this plate armor offers up a few great benefits.

This doesn’t impose disadvantage on stealth checks or on any saving throws to resist extreme heat, and it gives you a +5 bonus to initiative rolls.

Scroll of Protection

These scrolls create an invisible barrier that prevents the passage of a specific creature type.

Serpent’s Fang

This longsword deals an extra 1d10 poison damage.

Shadowfell Brand Tattoo

This tattoo gives you 120-feet darkvision and advantage on stealth checks. Additionally, once a day, you can use this to become incorporeal when you take damage, taking half the damage you normally would.

Shadowfell Shard

This shard, which can be used as a sorcerer’s spellcasting focus, allows you to curse individuals after you use metamagic.

Shield Guardian Amulet

An amulet used to control a shield guardian.

Shield of Far Sight

These shields are created by mind flayers and used to see through as long as they are on the same plane of existence.

Shield of Missile Attraction

This cursed shield causes any ranged attacks against creatures within 10 feet of you to target you instead, but it does give you resistance to damage from ranged attacks.

Shield, +2

This shield gives an additional +2 bonus to AC on top of the normal +2 bonus a shield would offer.

Siren Song Lyre

This lyre can be used to cast Animal Friendship, Charm Person, Enthrall, or Suggestion once a day.

Spider Staff

This staff, which deals an extra 1d6 poison damage when wielded as a magical quarterstaff, can be used to cast Spider Climb or Web.

Staff of Charming

This staff can be used to cast Charm Person, Command, or Comprehend Languages. It can also be used to turn enchantment spells back toward their casters.

Staff of Defense

This staff gives you a +1 to AC and can be used to cast Shield or Mage Armor.

Staff of Healing

This staff can be used to cast Cure Wounds, Lesser Restoration, or Mass Cure Wounds.

Staff of Swarming Insects

This staff can be used to cast Giant Insect or Insect Plaque. It can also be used to conjure a harmless swarm of insects that heavily obscure an area.

Staff of the Ivory Claw

This staff provides a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and deals an extra 3d6 radiant damage when you score a critical hit on a spell attack.

Staff of the Woodlands

This druid staff provides a +2 bonus to all attacks made with it and can be used to cast a wide variety of spells. Additionally, it can be transformed into a tree.

Staff of Withering

This magic quarterstaff can be used to deal an extra 2d10 necrotic damage.

Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals

You can use this bowl to summon an earth elemental as if you had cast Conjure Elementals.

Stonespeaker Crystal

This crystal provides advantage on investigation checks. It also can be used to cast Speak with Animals, Speak with Dead, and Speak with Plants.

Sun Blade

A blade of sunlight can spring forth from this hilt. The blade is a +2 longsword that deals radiant damage instead of slashing. It also deals an additional 1d8 radiant when it hits undead.


You can hurl this +2 warhammer and cause it to explode, dealing fire damage to each creature in a 20-foot radius. The hammer then returns to you and can’t explode in this way until you finish a short or long rest.

Sword of Life Stealing

When you score a critical hit with this weapon, it deals an extra 1d10 of necrotic damage, and you regain as many hit points.

Sword of Wounding

Hit points lost to this weapon can only be regained by a short or long rest.

Teleportation Tablet

This tablet has the sigil sequence of an existing teleportation circle on it. It can be broken to create a teleportation circle that leads there.

Tentacle Rod

You can use the three tentacles on the end of this rod to make long-ranged melee attacks.

Two-Birds Sling

The ammo from this +1 sling can ricochet from its first target to a second target.

Ventilating Lungs

These magical lungs replace your own lungs and allow you to breathe normally in any condition.

Vicious Weapon

This weapon deals an automatic extra 7 damage when you roll a 20 on an attack roll.

Wand of Binding

This wand can be used to cast Hold Person or Hold Monster. It can also be used to help you resist being paralayzed, restrained, or grappled.

Wand of Enemy Detection

You can use this wand to sense the location of hostile creatures. 

Wand of Fear

This wand can be used to cast Command or to frighten a large group of creatures.

Wand of Fireballs

This wand can be used to cast Fireball.

Wand of Lightning Bolts

This wand can be used to cast Lightning Bolt.

Wand of Paralysis

This wand can be used to paralyze creatures.

Wand of Viscid Globs

This wand shoots globs that can restrain creatures for up to an hour.

Wand of Winter

This wand can be used to cast Ray of Frost, Sleet Storm, or Ice Storm.

Wand of Wonder

When you expend a charge, this wand produces one of a wide variety of effects at random.

Weapon of Certain Death

When you damage a creature with this weapon, they can’t regain hit points until the start of your next turn.

Weapon, +2

This weapon provides a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Weird Tank

This backpack-like tank contains a water weird within it.

Wings of Flying

You can speak this cloak’s command word to turn it into a pair of bat or bird wings and gain a flying speed of 60 feet for one hour.

Woodcutter’s Axe

This +1 greataxe deals an extra 2d6 slashing damage to plants or wooden objects.

Yklwa, +2

This yklwa provides a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Very Rare Magic Items


This chest can be used to conjure any nonmagical item.

Absorbing Tattoo

This tattoo gives you resistance to a specified damage type. Once a day, you can also use a reaction to gain immunity to that damage type and regain hit points equal to half the damage you would’ve taken.

Amethyst Lodestone

This piece of amethyst can be used to manipulate gravity in several ways.

Ammunition, +3

A piece of magical ammunition that provides a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Amulet of the Black Skull

This amulet allows you to teleport 100 feet to a location you are familiar with, but it has a chance of transforming you in a myriad of ways when it does so.

Amulet of the Planes

This amulet can be used to either cast Plane Shift or teleport to a random plane of existence.

Animated Shield

This shield can protect you while you aren’t physically wielding it, leaving your hands free.

Arcane Cannon

This arcane cannon can fire off a number of different elemental blasts.

Arcane Propulsion Arm

This prosthetic arm can be used as a ranged projectile weapon that flies from your body, dealing 1d8 force damage to a target.

Armor, +2

This armor provides a +2 bonus to AC.

Arrow of Slaying

These arrows are designed to slay a specific creature. When they strike the creature, they deal an extra 6d10 piercing damage.

Bag of Devouring

While this looks like a bag of holding, it’s actually the mouth of an extra dimensional creature that eats most organic matter put into it.

Battle Standard of Infernal Power

This banner is powered by a small quasit. It makes the weapons of you and your allies within 300 feet magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities.

Blade of the Medusa

When you make a critical hit with this weapon, it has a chance of petrifying your target.

Blast Scepter

This scepter grants resistance to fire and lightning damage and can be used to cast Thunderwave at 4th level.


This +2 axe deals extra necrotic damage to creatures that aren’t undead or constructs.

Bobbing Lily Pad

This lily pad functions as a vehicle with a walking, flying, and swimming speed of 20 feet.

Boomerang, +3

This boomerang provides a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Bracelet of Rock Magic

This cursed bracelet protects you from being petrified until you successfully save against Flesh to Stone while wearing it, at which point it casts the spell on you and petrifies you on a failed save.

Candle of Invocation

These candles belong to a specific alignment and provide creatures of the alignment advantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks.

Carpet of Flying

Four sizes of these flying carpets exist with each traveling at a different speed and being able to carry a different weight.

Cauldron of Rebirth

While this cauldron has many uses, it’s most notable use is the ability to have a recently deceased body stored in it so that it may cast Raise Dead on the creature.


This device can be used to slow down time, giving you or another creature an extra action in a turn.

Cloak of Arachnida

This cloak gives you several spider-like features, such as resistance to poison damage and a climbing speed that allows you to walk on vertical surfaces and upside-down on ceilings.

Conch of Teleportation

This conch can be used to cast the Teleport spell.

Crystal Ball

This item allows you to cast Scrying.

Crystalline Chronicle

This crystal sphere is both a spellcasting focus and spellbook for wizards with a number of spells psychically encoded in it when you first receive it.

Dancing Sword

This magical sword can hover in the air and move freely to attack creatures at your command.

Demon Armor

This armor gives you +1 AC and the ability to speak abyssal and has two claw weapons attached to it. However, it is cursed to give you disadvantage when dealing with demons.

Devastation Orb

These four types of elemental orbs explode after 1d100 hours, causing a disastrous effect to overcome a sphere with a mile radius.

Dimensional Loop

This device allows you to manipulate space, either by phasing out of the material plane or folding space so that a distant location is only 5 feet away for you.

Dispelling Stone

This spell can be thrown to dispel any active spell up to 5th level.

Dragon Scale Mail

This +1 armor gives you resistance to the damage type associated with the dragon’s scales your armor is made of.


This item appears to be a rod until you speak its command word, spawning a radiant warhammer of pure sunlight to appear. It is a +2 warhammer that deals radiant damage instead of bludgeoning and deals an extra 1d8 damage to undead.

Dwarven Plate

This armor provides a +2 to AC. Additionally, if you are ever forced to move, you can reduce the distance by 10 feet.

Dwarven Thrower

This +3 warhammer can be used as a thrown weapon. When it is used in such a way, it deals 1d8 damage and flies immediately back to your hands.

Dyrrn’s Tentacle Whip

This symbiotic tentacle, which can retract into your arm, functions as a +2 magical whip that deals an extra 1d6 psychic damage and can stun your targets.

Efreeti Bottle

This bottle holds an efreeti in it, which has a chance to either attack you, serve you, or grant you three wishes.

Eldritch Staff

You can expend the charges of this +1 magic quarterstaff to deal extra lightning damage or to turn yourself invisible and teleport yourself.

Kaldring, the Rimestaff
© Wizards of the Coast

Far Gear

This device allows you to conjure aberrations or cast the Bane spell.

Frost Brand

This magical sword gives you resistance to fire damage and deals an additional 1d6 cold damage on melee attacks.

Ghost Step Tattoo

This tattoo allows you to become incorporeal for a period of time.

Helm of Brilliance

The many gems on this helm provide a variety of benefits. You can pull off gems to cast spells, but once there are no more of a specific gem on the helm, you stop receiving the benefit associated with it.

Helm of Devil Command

This helm allows you to telepathically communicate with all devils within 1,000 feet of you. It also allows you to cast Dominate Monster by expending charges.

Heward’s Hireling Armor

This +1 armor has several extradimensional spaces on it.

Horned Ring

These rings allow you to ignore magical restrictions in Undermountain.

Horseshoes of a Zephyr

While all four of these horseshoes are attached to a horse or similar creature, it can move normally while floating 4 inches off the ground.

Hunter’s Coat

This is +1 leather armor. You can expend charges while wearing this armor to deal extra necrotic damage when you hit a creature with an attack.

Illusionist’s Bracers

If you cast a cantrip while wearing these bracers, you can use a bonus action to cast it a second time.

Ingot of the Skold Rune

This shield rune ingot bestows several benefits onto you while it’s on your person. Its magic can also be transferred to a weapon or shield.

Javelin of Backbiting

This +2 javelin has extra range, deals extra damage, and flies back to your hand after it’s thrown.

Kyrzin’s Ooze

This symbiotic ooze gives you resistance to poison and acid damage, an acid breath weapon, and the ability to take an amorphous shape that can squeeze through an opening as small as 1 inch.

Last Stand Armor

If you die while wearing this +1 armor, each celestial, fey, and fiend must succeed on a DC 15 saving throw or be banished to its home plane of existence.

Lifewell Tattoo

This tattoo gives you resistance to necrotic damage. Additionally, once a day, when you would drop to 0 hit points, you can drop to 1 hit point instead.

Living Armor

This +1 armor gives you resistance to necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. However, its symbiotic nature requires you to sacrifice half your hit dice to it at the end of a long rest or suffer one level of exhaustion.

Lord’s Ensemble

This ensemble is made up of a helm, an amulet, and a robe that function as a single magic item with various properties while inside of Waterdeep.

Manual of Bodily Health

You can consume the magic of this manual to increase your Constitution score by 2.

Manual of Gainful Exercise

You can consume the magic of this manual to increase your Strength score by 2.

Manual of Golems

A manual of this type is needed to create a golem.

Manual of Quickness of Actions

You can consume the magic of this manual to increase your Dexterity score by 2.

Mirror of Life Trapping

This mirror can trap up to 12 creatures in its extradimensional cells.

Navigation Orb

These orbs control the altitude and movement of the sky castles that they are keyed to.

Nine Lives Stealer

This +2 sword can be used to immediately steal the life force of a creature with less than 100 hit points remaining.

Nolzur’s Marvelous Pigments

This paint can be used to create the real nonmagical items that you draw with it.


You can use this bow to declare a sworn enemy. This bow offers a number of benefits when used against that enemy, such as extra damage and advantage on attack rolls.

Oil of Sharpness

When this oil is applied to a weapon or piece of ammunition that deals slashing or piercing damage, it gains a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls and becomes magical for an hour.

Orb of the Veil

While this orb is on your person, your wisdom score increases by 2, you gain 60 feet of darkvision, and you have advantage on perception checks to discover hidden doors and paths.

Ornithopter of Flying

You can use this item to fly. It has a flying speed of 30 feet.

Pennant of the Vind Rune

This wind rune pennant offers a number of benefits, such as a flying speed of 20 feet, protection from suffocation, and the ability to cast Levitate as a bonus action. Its magic can be transferred to armor, boots, or a cloak.

Peregrine Mask

This winged helm gives you advantage on initiative rolls and a flying speed of 60 feet.

Polymorph Blade

When you score a critical hit against a creature with this blade, there’s a chance that the creature will be affected by the Polymorph spell.

Potion of Flying

This potion gives you a flying speed equal to your walking speed and the ability to hover for 1 hour.

Potion of Invisibility

This potion makes you invisible for 1 hour.

Potion of Longevity

This potion reduces your physical age by 1d6+6 to a minimum of 13 years old.

Potion of Possibility

After drinking this potion, you gain two Fragments of Possibility, which you can use to reroll any two ability checks, attack rolls, or saving throw rolls for the next 8 hours.

Potion of Speed

This potion grants you the effects of the Haste spell for 1 minute.

Potion of Supreme Healing

This potion allows you to regain 10d4+20 hit points.

Potion of Vitality

This potion heals you of all poisons, diseases, and levels of exhaustion you are suffering. It also allows you to regain the maximum number of hit points whenever you roll Hit Dice for the next 24 hours.

Reincarnation Dust

This dust can be sprinkled on a dead humanoid to cast Reincarnate on its soul if it is willing.

Ring of Red Fury

This ring allows you to breathe water, and it gives you a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. Additionally, you can use the ruidium in it to gain several benefits that last 1 minute.

Ring of Regeneration

While wearing this ring you regain 1d6 hit points every 10 minutes. It also allows you to regain missing body parts after several days.

Ring of Shooting Stars

This ring can be used to cast several spells. It can also be used to create balls of lightning and shooting stars that deal lightning and fire damage respectively.

Ring of Telekinesis

This ring allows you to cast the Telekinesis spell at will.

Robe of Scintillating Colors

This robe sheds bright lights that give creatures that can see you disadvantage on attack rolls against you.

Robe of Stars

You can pull a star off of this robe to cast Magic Missile at 5th level. You can also use this robe to enter the Astral Plane.

Rod of Absorption

This rod can be used to absorb incoming spells and turn them into charges, which can then in turn be used to cast a number of spells.

Rod of Alertness

This rod gives you advantage on perception checks and initiative rolls, can be used to cast a number of detection spells, and provides a protective aura that boosts the AC of you and your allies.

Rod of Security

This rod can be used to teleport 200 creatures to a paradise that exists in extraplanar space.

Rotor of Return

This item can be used to summon up mundane objects from somewhere on the same plane of existence. It can also be used to teleport to a specific location locked into its memory.

Ruidium Armor

This armor gives you a swimming speed equal to your walking speed, the ability to breathe water, and resistance to psychic damage.

Ruidium Shield

This shield gives you a swimming speed equal to your walking speed, the ability to breathe water, and resistance to psychic damage. It can also be used to reflect psychic-damage-dealing attacks to another creature within 30 feet of you.

Sapphire Buckler

This shield gives you resistance to lightning and psychic damage. It can also be used to locate aberrations.

Scimitar of Speed

You can make one additional attack with this +2 scimitar as a bonus action on each of your turns.

Shard of the Ise Rune

This ice rune shard grants several icy benefits, such as resistance to fire damage and an icy mantle that protects from the physical damage types. Its magic can be transferred to a cloak or set of boots.

Shield of the Uven Rune

This shield confers several benefits onto its wielder, such as resistance to cold damage, the ability to cast the Bane spell, and the ability to deal necrotic damage as a reaction when hit with a melee attack.

Shield, +3

This shield gives an additional +3 bonus to AC on top of the normal +2 bonus a shield would offer.

Sling Bullets of Althemone

Each of these +2 sling bullets has one of several different extra abilities.

Speaking Stone

Gnomes with a Mark of Scribing can touch a speaking stone to cast Sending focused on another speaking stone.

Spear of Backbiting

This +2 spear has extra range, deals extra damage, and flies back to your hand. However, it is a cursed weapon that flies and stabs you in the back if you roll a 1 on an attack roll with it.

Spellguard Shield

This spell gives you advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, and spells have disadvantage against you.

Staff of Dunamancy

This staff can be used to cast Fortune’s Favor, Pulse Wave, or Gravity Sinkhole.

Staff of Fate 

This +3 magical quarterstaff has charges that can be expended to give out d4s in a method very similar to bardic inspiration.

Staff of Fire

This staff can be used to cast Burning Hands, Fireball, or Wall of Fire.

Staff of Frost

This staff can be used to cast Cone of Cold, Fog Cloud, Ice Storm, or Wall of Ice.

Staff of Power

This +2 staff also provides a +2 to AC, saving throws, and spell-attack rolls. Additionally, it can be used to cast a number of spells by expending charges.

Staff of Striking

You can expend charges when you make a melee attack with this +3 magical quarterstaff to deal extra force damage on a hit.

Staff of Thunder and Lightning

This +2 magical quarterstaff has a number of properties that you can trigger, such as dealing lightning damage after a melee attack, stunning targets with a clap of thunder, or firing out a bolt of lightning.


Steel is a +2 sentient longsword that can be used to cast Revivify.

Sword of Sharpness

This weapon deals maximum damage when it hits. It also has a chance to deal extra slashing damage and even sever limbs.

Sword of the Paruns

This +1 magical longsword can be used to rally your allies. After you Attack, Dash, or Dodge, you can inspire your allies to make a reaction that allows them to perform a similar activity.

Timepiece of Travel

You can use this device to cast Longstrider or Teleport on yourself. Additionally, this device can give you clear and safe directions to a location within 10 miles.

Tome of Clear Thought

You can consume the magic of this manual to increase your Intelligence score by 2.

Tome of Leadership and Influence

You can consume the magic of this manual to increase your Charisma score by 2.

Tome of Understanding

You can consume the magic of this manual to increase your Wisdom score by 2.

Voyager Staff

This +1 magical quarterstaff also provides a +1 on spell-attack rolls. Additionally, you can expend charges to cast a number of spells from it.

Wand of Polymorph

You can use this wand to cast the Polymorph spell.

Watchful Helm

This helm gives you a +1 bonus to AC and advantage on perception checks that rely on sight. Additionally, you can use this helm to cast See Invisibility

Weapon, +3

This weapon gives you a +3 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls made with it.

Wheel of Stars

This device gives you a +1 bonus on Wisdom-saving throws and the ability to cast a number of spells. Additionally, when another creature within 60 feet of you makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can roll a d10 and add or subtract your roll from theirs.

Yklwa, +3

This yklwa gives you a +3 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls made with it.

Legendary Magic Items

Apparatus of Kwalish

This apparatus is a large lobster-shaped vehicle with a variety of abilities.

Apparatus of the Crab

Another name for the Apparatus of Kwalish.

Armor of Invulnerability

This armor gives you resistance to nonmagical damage and can even be used to give you immunity to nonmagical damage for 10 minutes each day.

Armor, +3

This armor gives you a +3 bonus to AC.


This +3 sentient battleaxe ignores the effects of Shield and similar barriers of force.

Belashyrra’s Beholder Crown

This symbiotic crown can be used to cast a number of spells. However, Belashyrra can see through its eyestalks if she is on the same plane of existence as it.

Black Crystal Tablet

This tablet can be used to cast Eyebite or Gate once a day.

Black Dragon Mask

Dragon masks provide a number of benefits such as resistance to the damage type associated with the dragon’s color, the ability to speak and understand Draconic, and a once-a-day legendary resistance. The Black Dragon Mask is associated with acid damage and allows you to breathe underwater.


This +3 sentient greatsword devours souls.


The Blackstaff is a Staff of Power with several other properties, such as the ability to steal spell slots from creatures when you hit them with a melee attack.

Blood Fury Tattoo

This tattoo lets you deal extra necrotic damage on melee attacks and regain HP equal to the damage you dealt. It also lets you make a reaction attack when you are hit with melee attacks.

Blue Dragon Mask

Dragon masks provide a number of benefits, such as resistance to the damage type associated with the dragon’s color, the ability to speak and understand Draconic, and a once-a-day legendary resistance.

The Blue Dragon Mask is associated with lightning damage and allows you to stop creatures from making reactions when you deal lightning damage to them.


This +3 dagger can cast Dimension Door and Compulsion. It can also be used as a compass or to shed bright light.

Cloak of Invisibility

You can pull the hood of this cloak up to become invisible.

Crystal Ball of Mind Reading

Along with the normal benefits of a crystal ball, this can be used to cast Detect Thoughts.

Crystal Ball of Telepathy

Along with the normal benefits of a crystal ball, this can be used to cast Suggestion.

Crystal Ball of True Seeing

Along with the normal benefits of a crystal ball, this can be used to give you 120-feet true sight.

Cubic Gate

The 6 sides of this cube are each keyed to a different plane of existence. You can cast Plane Shift with it to travel to one of the keyed targets

Danoth’s Visor

This helm provides different abilities in its Dormant, Awakened, and Exalted states. In general, these goggles are used to spot invisible enemies.


Dawnbringer is a sentient Sun Blade with the added ability to cast Lesser Restoration. It is a kind and compassionate sword that is also fierce and destructive to enemies of the light.

Deck of Many Things

Drawing a card from this deck can cause one of 22 incredible events to occur from changing alignment, to gaining 10,000 experience, all the way to being chased by an incarnation of Death.

Deck of Several Things

This deck is very similar to the Deck of Many Things but has several different cards in it.


You can transfer the bonuses of this +3 legendary sword to your AC the first time you attack on each of your turns.


This +3 magical weapon deals an extra 3d6 force damage when it hits a dragon.

Dragonstaff of Ahghairon

This staff gives you advantage on all saving throws against the spells and breath weapons of dragons. It can also be used to allow a dragon into Waterdeep.


Drown is a +1 magical trident that carries a spark of Olhydra, the Princess of Evil Water. It gives you resistance to cold damage, the ability to speak Aquan fluently, and the ability to cast Dominate Monster, but it makes you extremely covetous and greedy.

Efreeti Chain

This armor gives you a +3 bonus to AC and immunity to fire damage, along with the ability to speak Primordial.


This +3 battleaxe deals an extra 2d8 necrotic damage when you roll a 20 on an attack roll. You regain hit points equal to the necrotic damage you deal this way.

Flail of Tiamat

When you hit with this +3 flail you can deal an extra 5d4 damage of acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. This flail also has a powerful breath weapon that can be in any of the listed damage types.

Gloves of Soul Catching

These gloves give you a Constitution score of 20, unless your score is already higher. These also deal extra damage when you make a successful unarmed strike with them.

Greater Silver Sword

This +3 greatsword provides advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws, immunity to being charmed, and resistance to psychic damage.

Green Dragon Mask

Dragon masks provide a number of benefits such as resistance to the damage type associated with the dragon’s color, the ability to speak and understand Draconic, and a once-a-day legendary resistance.

The Green Dragon Mask is associated with poison damage and allows you to breathe underwater.

Grimoire Infinitus

This wizard spellbook comes preloaded with a wide variety of spells. It also increases the number of spells you can prepare in a day and gives you advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Gurt’s Greataxe

This +1 greataxe was sized for giants and deals 3d12 slashing damage on a hit. You can also use this greataxe to cast a version of Heat Metal that deals cold damage.

Hammer of Thunderbolts

You must be wearing a Belt of Giant Strength and Gauntlets of Ogre Power to wield this weapon. This hammer increases your Strength score by 4 and has charges that can be expended to throw the hammer and create a massive thunderclap on a hit.


Hazirawn is a neutral evil sentient +2 greatsword that deals an extra 2d6 necrotic damage on a hit.

Helm of the Scavenger

This chair is used to propel and maneuver a ship known as the Emerald Angel through the air.

Hide of the Feral Guardian

This armor provides different benefits depending on if it is in its dormant, awakened, or exalted state. Its bonus to AC ranges from +1 to +3, and it can polymorph you into a Giant Owl, Cave Bear, or a Guardian Wolf.

Holy Avenger

This +3 sword deals an extra 2d10 radiant damage to undead creatures and provides you and your allies advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. 

Nadaar, Selfless Paladin
© Wizards of the Coast

Holy Symbol of Ravenkind

This holy symbol can paralyze vampires and turn undead. It can also create bright sunlight.

Icon of Ravenloft

This statuette can be used to cast Protection from Evil and Good or Augury. It also increases the save DC of the Turn Undead or Turn the Unholy features.

Infernal Tack

An infernal tack can be used to command a nightmare, a powerful undead horse creature.

Infiltrator’s Key

This skeleton key provides different benefits depending on if it is in its dormant, awakened, or exalted state. It has several properties and can cast several spells that are all useful in thievery.

Iron Flask

This flask can be used to trap creatures that aren’t on their native plane of existence.


This +2 war pick is infused with a spark of Ogremoch, Prince of Evil Earth. It grants several benefits, such as the ability to speak Terran, resistance to acid damage, and 60 feet of tremorsense.

Jewel of Three Prayers

This amulet has many properties that are unlocked as it rises through its different states: dormant, awakened, and exalted.

It provides a bonus to AC (up to +3), can be used to cast Invisibility, and can be used to end several conditions on yourself, among many other abilities.

Korolnor Scepter

This scepter can be wielded as a +3 magic club. It can also be used to cast Sending and Teleport or to determine the distance to the surface when underground or underwater.

Lost Crown of Besilmer

This crown gives you advantage on saving throws against effects that could charm you, resistance to psychic damage, and the ability to inspire creatures.

Luck Blade

This +1 sword gives you a +1 bonus on saving throws. It can also be used to cast Wish and to reroll one attack roll, saving throw, or ability check each day.

Luxon Beacon

This beacon can be used to create Fragments of Possibility, small objects that can be used to reroll any attack roll, ability check, saving throw, or damage roll of you or any creature you see.


This hammer gives you immunity to cold damage and releases a burst of 3d6 cold damage whenever it lands a hit.


Moonblades are incredible magical weapons created by the elves that have several runes on them that grant random abilities.

Murgaxor’s Orb

This sentient orb curses humanoids who touch it, knocking them unconscious and giving them terrifying visions.


Nepenthe is a sentient Holy Avenger who hungers for justice and blood.

Nether Scroll of Azumar

This scroll increases your Intelligence score by 2, gives you advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, and creates a stone golem that acts as your ally.

Nightfall Pearl

This small pearl can turn a 10-mile-radius area into night.

Obsidian Flint Dragon Plate

This armor provides a +2 bonus to AC and gives your resistance to poison damage. It also gives you advantage on ability checks and saving throws to avoid and end the grappled condition on yourself.


This +2 greataxe can be used to drop an orc to 0 hit points if you roll a 20 on your attack roll. It also protects you from being surprised by orcs while you’re not incapacitated and from the frightened condition.

Plate Armor of Etherealness

You can use this magic armor to cast the Etherealness spell on yourself.

Platinum Scarf

This scarf is covered in scales that you can pull off to activate one of several powerful abilities.

Potion of Dragon’s Majesty

This potion transforms you into an adult dragon for 1 hour.

Potion of Giant Size

This potion makes you huge for 24 hours and increases your Strength score to 25.

Powered Armor

This plate armor gives you advantage on Strength-saving throws, a +1 bonus to AC, and a Strength score of 18 (unless your score is already higher). It also has a wide variety of abilities that are activated by using up its power cells.

Pyxis of Pandemonium

Any creature that touches this vessel gains the benefits of a short rest but starts to hear telepathic whispers convincing them to open it. If it is opened, one of several undesirable effects may happen.

Rakdos Riteknife

This knife can imprison up to five souls in it. If it is full, you can use it to activate an ability that immediately kills a creature you attack that has 75 or fewer hit points.

Red Dragon Mask

Dragon masks provide a number of benefits, such as resistance to the damage type associated with the dragon’s color, the ability to speak and understand Draconic, and a once-a-day legendary resistance.

The Red Dragon Mask is associated with fire damage and allows you to burn creatures when you deal fire damage.

Ring of Air Elemental Command

This ring allows you to cast Dominate Monster on an air elemental and confers several other benefits upon you.

Ring of Djinni Summoning

This ring can be used to summon a djinni that obeys your commands for as long as you hold your concentration to a maximum of 1 hour.

Ring of Earth Elemental Command

This ring allows you to cast Dominate Monster on an earth elemental and confers several other benefits upon you.

Ring of Elemental Command

The general category for rings of this type.

Ring of Fire Elemental Command

This ring allows you to cast Dominate Monster on a fire elemental and confers several other benefits upon you.

Ring of Invisibility

You can use this ring to turn yourself invisible.

Ring of Spell Turning

This spell gives you advantage on saving throws against spells that target only you. Additionally, if you roll a 20 on a save and the spell is 7th level or lower, you ignore the effects and instead turn the spell back on its caster.

Ring of Three Wishes

This ring can be used to cast Wish three times.

Ring of Water Elemental Command

This ring allows you to cast Dominate Monster on a water elemental and confers several other benefits upon you.

Robe of the Archmagi

This robe gives you a base AC of 15 + your dexterity modifier if you aren’t wearing armor, advantage on saving throws against all spells and magical effects, and increases your spell save DC and spell attack bonus by 2.

Rod of Lordly Might

This +3 weapon has six buttons that allow it to transform and activate several different abilities, such as becoming a Flame Tongue or a battering ram with a +10 bonus on Strength checks made to break through barriers.

Rod of Resurrection

This rod can be used to cast Heal and Resurrection.

Ruby Weave Gem

This gem can be used to ignore the material components of spells. It also allows you to prepare a spell from any spell list each day.


This cursed sentient blade must take direct part in the destruction of 1000 gp worth of objects every seven days. It offers many benefits, such as the ability to cast Disintegrate and Blight.

Scarab of Protection

This beetle-shaped medallion gives you advantage on saving throws against spells. It can also be used to turn a failure into a success when an undead creature forces you to make a saving throw.

Scroll of Tarrasque Summoning

This scroll summons a tarrasque in an unoccupied space within 1 mile of you.

Scroll of the Comet

This scroll causes a comet to fall from the sky, forcing every creature in a 500-foot radius to make a DC20 dexterity saving throw or take 30d10 force damage.

Shield of the Hidden Lord

This sentient shield, which imprisons the soul of Gargauth, a pit fiend, provides a +2 bonus to AC and fire resistance. It also can be used to cast Fireball and Wall of Fire. 


This +3 vorpal sword is a sentient blade that seeks to destroy evil dragons. If you miss on three attack rolls in a row, it will end your attunement with it.

Sovereign Glue

The adhesive bond this glue creates can only be broken by a Universal Solvent or Oil of Etherealness.

Spell Bottle

This bottle can store one spell of up to 5th level at a time.

Sphere of Annihilation

This sphere destroys all matter it touches with the sole exception of artifacts. If it touches something larger than it, such as you, it deals 4d10 force damage.

Staff of the Magi

This staff functions similarly to a Rod of Absorption, but it can hold many more charges and can cast a different variety of spells.


This belt gives you resistance to lightning and thunder damage and a Strength score of 21 (unless your score is already higher). You can also activate the storm avatar form to gain several more abilities and a lightning-strike attack.


The Sunsword is a sentient Sun Blade whose sole purpose is destroying Strahd von Zarovich.

Sword of Answering

This is a +3 longsword. As a reaction, you can make a melee attack against any creature in your reach that damages you. You have advantage on this attack, and it ignores all resistances and immunities.

Talisman of Pure Good

This talisman can only be attuned by a good-aligned creature to whom it serves as a holy symbol that provides a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls.

Additionally, it has 7 charges that can be used to destroy evil-aligned creatures, leaving no trace of their existence.

Talisman of the Sphere

This talisman allows you to better control a Sphere of Annihilation.

Talisman of Ultimate Evil

This talisman can only be attuned by an evil-aligned creature to whom it serves as a holy symbol that provides a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls.

Additionally, it has 7 charges that can be used to destroy good-aligned creatures, leaving no trace of their existence.


Tinderstrike is a +2 dagger that deals an extra 2d6 fire damage on a hit. It contains a spark of Imix, Prince of Evil Fire and provides several fire-themed properties, such as the ability to speak Ignan, resistance to fire damage, and the ability to cast Dominate Monster on fire elementals.

Tome of the Stilled Tongue

This spellbook once belonged to Vecna, and it can be used to cast spells without somatic or verbal components. Vecna can watch anyone who uses this tome and may even send messages to them in its pages.

Universal Solvent

This solvent can dissolve any adhesive it comes in contact with, including Sovereign Glue.


Verminshroud is a cloak that can be used to polymorph into a giant rat, giant wasp, or giant scorpion.

It has several other abilities including resistance to poison damage, advantage on perception checks that rely on smell, and immunity to disease.

Vorpal Sword

This +3 longsword can sever the head of most creatures with heads so long as you roll a 20 on your attack roll.


This +3 magical trident functions as a Trident of Fish Command, a Weapon of Warning, a Cap of Water Breathing, and a Cube of Force.

Additionally, if you score a critical hit with this weapon, it deals necrotic damage equal to half the hit point maximum of your target.


Waythe is a +1 greatsword that also functions as a Wand of Enemy Detection. Additionally, if you hit a giant with it, the giant takes an extra 2d6 slashing damage and must succeed on a DC 15 Strength-saving throw or fall prone.

Well of Many Worlds

This piece of cloth can be placed on any solid surface to create a two-way portal to another world or plane of existence.


This +3 warhammer instills in you a fear of being outside that gives you disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks while you can see the daytime sky.

It does provide several benefits, such as a powerful throwing ability, a shock wave when you hit the ground with it, and the ability to cast Detect Evil and Good.

White Dragon Mask

Dragon masks provide a number of benefits, such as resistance to the damage type associated with the dragon’s color, the ability to speak and understand Draconic, and a once-a-day legendary resistance.

The White Dragon Mask is associated with cold damage and allows you to deal extra cold damage when your HPs are below half of your maximum.


Windvane is a +2 spear that deals an extra 1d6 lightning damage on a hit. It contains a spark of Yan-C-Bin, Prince of Evil air and provides several air-themed properties, such as the ability to speak Auran, resistance to lightning damage, and the ability to cast Dominate Monster on air elementals.

Witchlight Vane

This vane can be wielded as a +3 magic mace that deals an extra 1d8 radiant damage on a hit. It has several other properties but notably can be used to locate the happiest creature at the Witchlight Carnival.

Witchlight Watch

This watch can be used to pack up or unpack the Witchlight Carnival. 

Wreath of the Prism

This wreath of golden thorns and gems representing the might of Tiamat is used to dominate the will of beasts, dragons, and monstrosities through the casting of Dominate Monster.

Ythryn Mythallar

The ythryn mythallar is a powerful object that draws on the magic of the Weave. It can be used to move great amounts of matter, power magical items, and control the weather of a 50 mile radius.


Akmon, Hammer of Purphoros

This +3 warhammer belongs to Purphoros, god of the forge on the plane of Theros. 

Axe of the Dwarvish Lords

The axe of the dwarvish lords was forged by the First King of the dwarves. It was lost in a time of war when many factions vied for the power and status it bestowed.

Baba Yaga’s Mortar and Pestle

These powerful tools created by the mother of witches defy all laws of mortal magic. They can be used in many ways – as weapons, as tools, even as a teleporting vehicle.

Blade of Avernus

See Blade of Zariel

Blade of Broken Mirrors

An insane glabrezu named Ragazuu lives inside of this jagged dagger. The demon seeks to cause chaos and will attempt to convince the wielder to achieve his goals.

Book of Exalted Deeds

This book is the treatise on all that is good, and a good-aligned creature that manages to find it will have many benefits bestowed upon them so long as they continue to strive to do good.

Book of Vile Darkness

This book is the treatise on all that is evil, and an evil-aligned creature that manages to find it will have many benefits bestowed upon them so long as they continue to strive to do evil.

Crook of Rao

This crook was created to be a protection from evil, but it was cursed by the witch Iggwilv when she rediscovered it. While it can be used to banish fiends, it may have a reversed effect that summons hundreds of fiends.

Dekella, Bident of Thassa

Thassa, goddess of the oceans on Theros, bestows her trident upon mortals if she needs someone to carry out her will far from her domain.

Demonomicon of Iggwilv

This book contains all of Tasha’s research on demons. It has many powers spread between its pages and can be used to cast a number of powerful spells.


This horn was a gift from Tiamat to dragons in the war between dragonkind and giants. It can be used to alert all dragons within a few miles to prepare for war.

Ephixis, Bow of Nylea

Ephixis is a +3 shortbow that scores a critical hit on a 19 or a 20. It has four arrows that come with it, one for each of the seasons, each of which have different powerful abilities of their own.

Eye and Hand of Vecna

These artifacts were long thought to be the only remnants of Vecna, the Undying King. Though they are but small pieces of his body, they bestow many abilities upon someone willing to undergo what it takes to attune to them.


This warhammer carved from a single piece of obsidian holds a covetous ultroloth named Ciria within it.

The hammer provides many abilities, such as the ability to speak Abyssal and Infernal, a burrowing speed equal to your walking speed, and the ability to cast Earthquake, Meld into Stone, or Stone Shape.

Iggwilv’s Cauldron

This cauldron has two forms, and it can only be changed between forms by Iggwilv or Baba Yaga. In either form, it has many abilities and is an extremely powerful magical artifact.

Khrusor, Spear of Heliod

This +3 spear is blessed with the power of the sun. A worshipper of Heliod who wields this may unlock many abilities by wielding this artifact.

Lash of Shadows

This sentient whip can be used to poison creatures, blinding them, paralyzing them, or even turning them into stone.

Luba’s Tarokka of Souls

This deck of fate cards holds the spirits of many evil beings trapped by Mother Luba. The deck has many abilities, such as the ability to cast spells or bestow advantage or disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.

However, there is a chance that souls may escape from the cards.

Mace of the Black Crown

This powerful mace is guided by Xartaza, an erinyes that lives within it hoping to feed more souls to Asmodeus. Xartaza feeds evil thoughts in the form of dreams to the wielder of this mace.

Mask of the Dragon Queen

When the five dragon masks are assembled together, they form this artifact. This has the properties of one mask along with the resistances from all five.

Mastix, Whip of Erebos

This whip snares the reluctant souls of the dead and drags them to the Underworld. A follower of Erebos that wields this will have many benefits bestowed upon them for their piety.

Mighty Servant of Leuk-O

This large mechanical suit is often described as a cross between a disproportionate dwarf and an oversized beetle.

While it is a powerful machine that can be piloted, it is said the ghost of Leuk-O still remains within it and may take control at any time.

Orb of Dragonkind

These orbs can be used to call dragons and even command them. 

Orrery of the Wanderer

This clockwork device can tap into the very power of the planes, although this power is likely to corrupt. Over time, it will convert your alignment to chaotic evil, urging you to seek the power of the darker planes to stop a terrible future.

Ring of Winter

This sentient ring seeks to take control of its wearer and force them to cause harm to everyone around them. It protects its wearer from detection, aging, cold damage, and many conditions. It can also be used to cast many spells.

Ruin’s Wake

This spear desires only to draw blood and pushes its user to solve every problem with violence. It ranges from a +1 weapon to a +3 weapon, and at its most powerful, it allows you to regain hit points whenever you slay a creature.


This stone can be used to undo an action. However, whenever it is used in this way, someone known to the user is erased from existence.

Silken Spite

This rapier carries the blessing of Lolth, the Spider Queen. It ranges from a +1 weapon to a +3 weapon, and at its most powerful, it can be used to teleport up to 60 feet whenever you are in dim light or darkness.

Staff of the Forgotten One

This staff is powered by the imprisoned spirit of an archmage long ago killed by Acerak. The spirit will try to take control of anyone strong enough to attune to and wield this staff.

Stone of Golorr

This stone is actually an aboleth transformed into a stone. The aboleth Golorr knows the location of Lord Neverember’s secret vault, and you can obtain that knowledge by casting Legend Lore on the stone.

Sword of Kas

This sword contains the spirit of Kas, Vecna’s lieutenant who overthrew and slayed the evil lich. It can be used to destroy a creature attuned to both the eye and hand of Vecna.

Sword of Zariel

This powerful sword belonged to the angel Zariel before her descent. It transforms an attuned creature that it deems worthy into a heavenly, near-perfect version of themselves.

Teeth of Dahlver-Nar

These teeth are stories given form. Pulling a tooth from the bag conjures up several creatures and has one of many random effects.

The Bloody End

This morningstar holds the power of Bane. It ranges from a +1 weapon to a +3 weapon, and at its most powerful it can be used to Dominate Monsters with a DC of 17.

The Infernal Machine of Lum the Mad

This machine, which was once the command console of a planar craft, has hundreds of effects, both beneficial and detrimental, that can be activated by interacting with its console of gems.

Wand of Orcus

This is the favored weapon of Orcus, lord of undeath. It has many properties but most notably can be used to summon hundreds of undead to its wielder’s service.

Will of the Talon

This war pick channels the power of Tiamat herself. It is a sentient weapon that values leadership and decisive action and allows its user to activate several breath weapons, one each for the five heads of the dragon goddess.

Wyrmskull Throne

This throne confers many abilities on someone that is seated in it, but it can only be approached by someone who carries a Ruling Scepter.


All-Purpose Tool

This screwdriver, which can only be attuned by an artificer, can be turned into any artisan’s tools of your choice.

Amulet of the Devout

This comes in a +1, +2, and +3 variety. It is a holy symbol that gives you a bonus to your spell-save DC and spell-attack bonus. Additionally, you can use your Channel Divinity once a day without expending one of its uses.

Arcane Grimoire

These spellbooks provide a bonus to your spell-save DC and spell-attack bonus. Additionally, you can increase the number of spell slot levels regained by Arcane Recovery by 1.

Barrier Tattoo

These tattoos grant you a boosted AC when you aren’t wearing any armor.

Bloodwell Vial

This vial can be used as a spellcasting focus for sorcerers, and it provides a bonus to your spell-save DC and spell-attack bonus. Additionally, you regain 5 sorcery points whenever you roll a hit dice.

Dragon Vessel

These vessels can be filled with various liquids to produce a wide variety of potions.

Dragon’s Wrath Weapon

These weapons absorb the energy of a dragon’s breath weapon and deal damage of its type with their various abilities.

Dragonhide Belt

This belt grants monks a bonus to the save DC of their ki abilities and lets them regain ki points equal to a roll of their martial arts die.

Dragon-Touched Focus

These spellcasting focuses have a number of abilities based on their rarity and the type of dragon they are associated with.

Figurine of Wondrous Power

Many of these small statues of beasts exist. When you throw the statue at the ground, it becomes a living version of whatever beast was depicted.

Guild Keyrune

These symbolic keys are symbols of status and renown that allow someone to access special areas within a guild of Ravnica.

Horn of Valhalla

These horns summon a number of berserkers from the halls of Valhalla to fight at your side. 

Instrument of the Bards

These instruments were once the rewards for completing your study at one of the colleges of the bards. Now, they are used as powerful bardic-spellcasting foci that can be used to cast spells associated with each bardic school.

Ioun Stone

Many varieties of these powerful stones exist. These stones orbit the head of their wielder and confer special abilities upon them.

Moon Sickle

These sickles can be used by druids or rangers and provide a bonus to your spell-save DC and spell-attack bonus as well as to attack and damage rolls made with them.

When you cast a spell that regains hit points, this allows you to add 1d4 to the total.

Potion of Giant Strength

This potion gives you a high strength score, relative to the type of giant it is associated with, for 1 hour.

Potion of Mind Control

These potions allow you to cast a Dominate spell with effects that last for 1 hour.

Rhythm-Maker’s Drum

These drums provide a bonus to your spell-save DC and spell-attack bonus. Additionally, you can use it to regain a use of your Bardic Inspiration.

Rod of the Pact Keeper

These rods provide a bonus to your spell-save DC and spell-attack bonus. Additionally, you can use it to regain one warlock spell slot each day.

Scaled Ornament

These ornaments protect you from being charmed or frightened, along with other abilities depending on their rarity.

Spell Gem

Spell gems contain a single spell from any class that can be cast at any time. The rarity and color of the gem determines its spell-save DC or spell-attack bonus.

Spell Scroll

A spell scroll contains the words of a single spell, and it can only be read and cast if you are of the appropriate class to do so.

Spellwrought Tattoo

These magical tattoos contain and trap a spell on your skin to be cast at a later time.

Wand of the War Mage

These wands provide a boost to your spell attack rolls and allow you to ignore half cover when making a spell attack.

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